Reports New

Wayamo Reports Thanks to Wayamoโ€™s growing standing and expanding support, 2022 was both a busy and an exciting year for the organisation. In 2022, we organised 12 training workshops for a total of 149 participants in Abuja, Khartoum, Lagos, Nairobi and Pretoria. More than 120 participants attended our cultural event in Khartoum in September 2022. View / Download Report Type …

Election of new AGJA Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson

Elise Carreau Africa Group Statements, News and Events, News and Events AGJA

It is with great delight that the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) announces the election of its new Chairperson, Mohamed Othman Chande, and Deputy Chairperson, Fatiha Serour.

Training sessions for prosecutors from Nigeriaโ€™s Complex Casework Group (CCG) focusing on their new case-filing system

Elise Carreau

Between 14 โ€“ 21 September 2021, the Wayamo Foundation held a series of training sessions for prosecutors from Nigeriaโ€™s Complex Casework Group (CCG) focusing on their new case-filing system and the use of Intella software for evidence management.ย 

Justice Talks: Ottilia Maunganidze, Institute for Security Studies

Elise Carreau agja video, News and Events, Video

The Institute for Security Studies, Head of Special Projects-Office of the Executive Director, Ottilia Maunganidze speaks to Wayamoโ€™s Angela Mudukuti about the South African International Crimes Bill, the importance of regional and international justice as well as the International Criminal Courtโ€™s track record thus far.

A plan for South Africa to stay in the ICC

Elise Carreau In the Press, News and Events, News and Events AGJA

Published in the Mail&Guardian on 10 September 2018. Almost two years after first announcing its intention to withdraw from the International Criminal Court (ICC), it remains unclear whether South Africa will exit the Rome Statute system. By Navi Pillay, Richard Goldstone, and Mark Kersten. Last December, Justice Minister Michael Masutha told a meeting of ICC member-states that the country was …

Kris Kotarski

Born 1981 in Warsaw, Poland. University studies in Calgary (Canada). Masterโ€™s degree in Military and Strategic Studies; bachelor degree in History and International Relations. Since 2003: Contributed to a number of Canadian and international publications including the Ottawa Citizen, the Montreal Gazette, the Vancouver Province, Financial Post,, Forum and the Guardian. 2003-2013: International Affairs and Human Rights Columnist at …

2021 Annual Report

Elise Carreau News and Events

Over the last year, we not only implemented in-country programming, but developed new curricula and projects, launched online resources and video galleries featuring a global panel of experts, and welcomed new staff to bolster our team. We should like to take this opportunity to thank all our friends, colleagues and supporters around the world, and to wish you and your families all the very best.

Generating demand for accountability: A critical reporting and media monitoring project in Kenya

kotarski Journalism Training, Public Debates and Town Hall Meetings

LAUNCH EVENT 26 November 2012 Download event program MEDIA WORKSHOP 27 November โ€“ 7 December 2012 Download workshop program Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya In partnership with the Institute for War and Peace Reporting.