Drawing on her own experiences, Kate Gibson, a lawyer specialising in International Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law who has practiced as defence counsel at numerous international courts, discusses the importance of upholding the right to defendants and fair trial standards in terrorism and international crime cases.
International Justice Day 2022: Time for ICC to flip the script
On International Justice Day, Mohamed Othman Chande and Mark Kersten highlight the importance for the ICC to use the lessons learned in Ukraine to help deliver justice in Africa.
Capacity building for civil society and the justice sector in Sudan
Transitional justice measures are a key pillar in building a solid foundation for states, based on the rule of law. Developing the capacity of the legal community, civil society and the media is an important step towards addressing the accountability challenges facing Sudan and advancing the transitional justice agenda. Wayamo’s project aims to strengthen the capacity of civil society and legal actors in Sudan as they participate in the transitional justice process.
Cumulative prosecution for core international crimes and terrorism-related offences
Wieger Veldhuis, Public Prosecutor for International Crimes, Public Prosecution Service of The Netherlands, speaks with Wayamo’s Mark Kersten about the advantages of prosecuting terrorist acts for both core international crimes and terrorism-related offences.
Linking international crimes and terrorist acts
Tanya Mehra, Senior Research Fellow and Programme Lead, International Centre for Counter-terrorism, discusses the utility and ongoing challenges of investigating and prosecuting terrorism and international crimes cases.
Pretoria expert workshop on the linkages between international crimes and terrorist acts
On 26 and 27 May 2022, the Wayamo Foundation and Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) Rule of Law Program for Anglophone Sub-Saharan Africa held a highly productive, in-person workshop on ‘Countering terrorism and international crimes: human rights implications and linkages.’ The workshop took place in Pretoria, South Africa, and brought together legal practitioners, diplomats, and academic experts.
Justice pour les crimes internationaux: rapport de la conférence de Dakar
La Fondation Wayamo et le Programme pour la promotion de l’État de Droit en Afrique subsaharienne de la Fondation Konrad Adenauer (KAS) ont organisé une conférence internationale intitulée : « Justice pour les crimes internationaux : enjeux et stratégies en Afrique de l’Ouest et ailleurs » le 25 et 26 octobre 2021 à Dakar. Retrouvez ici le rapport détaillé de la conférence ainsi que les vidéos des différents panels et discussions.
Case assessment and redrafting charges training for Nigeria’s Complex Casework Group
Throughout March 2022 the Wayamo Foundation held a series of training sessions for prosecutors from Nigeria’s Complex Casework Group (CCG) focusing on using custom-built digital case assessment tools to identify cases that touch on potential international crimes, and on redrafting charges to reflect those crimes.
Réforme des organes juridictionnels de l’Union africaine: Interview avec Hajer Gueldich
Hajer Gueldich est Professeure agrégée de Droit international à l’Université de Carthage et Commissaire de la Commission de l’Union africaine pour le Droit International (AUCIL). Dans cette interview, Hajer revient sur le projet de réforme des organes juridictionnels de l’Union africaine et de la future Cour africaine de justice et des droits de l’homme.
La défense devant les tribunaux internationaux: Interview avec Anta Guissé
Anta Guissé, Avocate internationale de la défense au Cabinet GUISSE, revient sur le rôle de la défense devant les tribunaux internationaux et des difficultés auxquelles elle fait face.