Justice Talks: James Stewart, ICC Deputy Prosecutor

Elise Carreau agja video, News and Events, News and Events AGJA, Video

The International Criminal Court (ICC) Deputy Prosecutor, James Stewart speaks to Wayamo’s Angela Mudukuti about the criticism directed towards the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP), ongoing reforms within the OTP, and the impact of South Africa’s possible withdrawal from the ICC could have on the international criminal justice system.

On 29 August 2018, the Wayamo Foundation and the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability hosted an international justice symposium entitled, “South Africa and International Justice- charting the way forward” in Cape Town, South Africa where Deputy Prosecutor James Stewart gave opening remarks and participated on a panel.

Justice Talks are a series of interviews about justice and accountability in Africa and beyond, featuring experts and leaders from the fields of human rights, international criminal law, politics and civil society.

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