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International Justice in Motion – Perspectives from Uganda and Beyond

Susan Okalany is a judge at the International Crimes Division (ICD) of the High Court of Uganda. In this interview, she discusses the challenges judges face when adjudicating international crime cases at the ICD. She touches upon the relationship between international and transnational crimes and how linking these two crime sets together can help address violence and atrocity, and contemplates …

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Justice Talks: Fred Yiga

Fred Yiga, Assistant Inspector General of the Ugandan Police Force, and Director of Interpol (Uganda), addresses the challenge of effective collaboration across East African countries, stressing the importance of the harmonisation of prosecutions, laws, and punitive measures for transnational organised crimes. He spoke to the benefits that would accrue from effective prosecutions, including social, economic and political stability. He further …

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Justice talks: Dorcas Oduor

Dorcas Oduor, Secretary and Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions and Head of Economic International and Emerging Crimes at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Kenya, speaks to Wayamo Foundation’s Judie Kaberia on: improving cooperation to ensure effective investigation and prosecution of complex crimes and intensify inter-agency collaboration to deal with international and transnational organised crimes, the different challenges …

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Justice Talks: Christine Alai

Christine Alai, a Kenyan Lawyer and Head of Office, Physicians for Human Rights (Kenya) is responsible for the advancement of the Program on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones in Kenya, and coordinates and leads forensic trainings to influence collaboration among medical, legal, and law enforcement personnel with the goal of enhancing prosecutions and accountability for sexual violence in Kenya. She …

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Conference de Dakar – Panel 3 : Enquêtes et poursuites des crimes internationaux au niveau national

La Fondation Wayamo et le Programme pour la promotion de l’État de droit en Afrique subsaharienne de la Fondation Konrad Adenauer (KAS) ont organisé une conférence internationale intitulée : « Justice pour les crimes internationaux : enjeux et stratégies en Afrique de l’Ouest et ailleurs » le 25 et 26 octobre 2021 à Dakar. Panel 3: Enquêtes et poursuites des …

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Justice Talks: Tora Holst

Tora Holst, former Prosecutor at the Swedish Specialized International Crimes Unit, speaks to Wayamo Foundation’s Angela Mudukuti about the lessons learned from the European Genocide Network. Holst discusses the role of universal jurisdiction in prosecuting international crimes, cooperation across borders, and successfully interviewing witnesses and victims in different states. She discusses European examples of ongoing investigations of crimes in Syria …

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Justice Talks: Stella Ndirangu

Stella Ndirangu, Programme Manager at the Kenyan section of the International Commission of Jurists, speaks to Wayamo Foundation’s Judie Kaberia about domestic investigations and prosecution of International crimes in East Africa. Ndirangu discusses the importance of political will to the success of Rwanda’s efforts to prosecute international crimes, and the contrasting situation in Uganda’s International Crimes Division. She also discusses …

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Justice Talks: Reed Brody

Human Rights lawyer Reed Brody joins Mark Kersten, Deputy Director of the Wayamo Foundation, for a discussion on justice and accountability for international crimes in West Africa. In the interview, Reed shares his personal and professional insights into the successful campaign to bring former Chadian dictator Hissène Habré to account as well as the ongoing efforts to do the same …

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Justice Talks: Nicholas Opiyo

Renowned human rights lawyer Nicholas Opiyo discusses the current state of justice and accountability efforts and the rule of law in Uganda with the Wayamo Foundation’s Deputy Director Mark Kersten. Among other pressing issues, Opiyo sheds light on the ongoing trial of former Lord’s Resistance Army commander Thomas Kwoyelo, the impact of the International Criminal Court, what he sees as …

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Justice Talks: Mike Chibita

Mike Chibita, the Director of Public Prosecutions of Uganda, speaks to Wayamo Foundation’s Judie Kaberia about the lessons learned from Uganda’s International Crimes Division. Chibita discusses the importance of regional networks in speeding up and facilitating judicial cooperation between countries and in a region with open borders. He also discusses trying rape as an international crime, the challenges facing Uganda’s …