18-19 October 2016
Elise Keppler from Human Rights Watch talks about bias, “race hunting,” and the misperceptions of the relationship between Africa and the International Criminal Court.
Keppler is associate director of HRW’s International Justice Program and the author of fact-finding reports on the UN-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone and Uganda’s International Crimes Division, and played an integral role in advocacy for former Liberian president Charles Taylor’s surrender to the Special Court and Darfur’s referral to the International Criminal Court.
On 18-19 October 2016, the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability and the Wayamo Foundation hosted International Symposium on the theme, “Towards a System of International Justice” in Arusha, Tanzania, where Keppler was a panellist.
The Africa Group Justice Talks are a series of interviews about justice and accountability in Africa and beyond, featuring experts and leaders from the fields of human rights, international criminal law, politics and civil society.
For more on the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability, see: http://www.theafricagroup.org