Fred Yiga, Assistant Inspector General of the Ugandan Police Force, and Director of Interpol (Uganda), addresses the challenge of effective collaboration across East African countries, stressing the importance of the harmonisation of prosecutions, laws, and punitive measures for transnational organised crimes. He spoke to the benefits that would accrue from effective prosecutions, including social, economic and political stability. He further noted that the solidification of collaborative effort across borders would pave the way for successful efforts at Afripol and other regional policing organisations.
The Director of Interpol (Uganda) spoke to Judie Kaberia, (East Africa Coordinator for Wayamo Foundation) at the end of an International Symposium on the theme “Networks of Accountability: Justice for International and Transnational Organised Crimes” hosted by Wayamo Foundation, in Nairobi Kenya, on 27 February 2018.
Justice Talks are a series of interviews about justice and accountability in Africa and beyond. They feature experts and leaders from the fields of human rights, international criminal law, politics and civil society. For more on the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability and Wayamo Foundation, see: and