Mike Chibita, the Director of Public Prosecutions of Uganda, speaks to Wayamo Foundation’s Judie Kaberia about the lessons learned from Uganda’s International Crimes Division.
Chibita discusses the importance of regional networks in speeding up and facilitating judicial cooperation between countries and in a region with open borders. He also discusses trying rape as an international crime, the challenges facing Uganda’s International Crimes Division as seen in the cases of Thomas Kwoyelo and Dominic Ongwen, and the relationship between Uganda’s international crimes unit and the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
On 21 November 2017, the Wayamo Foundation hosted an International Symposium on the theme, “International Crimes, Domestic Justice – Accountability and Capacity Building in East Africa” in Kigali, Rwanda, where Mike Chibita was a participant.
Justice Talks are a series of interviews about justice and accountability in Africa and beyond, featuring experts and leaders from the fields of human rights, international criminal law, politics and civil society.
For more on the Wayamo Foundation and the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability, see: http://www.wayamo.com and http://www.theafricagroup.org