Nicholas Koumjian, International Co-Prosecutor at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, speaks with Wayamo Foundation Deputy Director Mark Kersten about trends in international criminal justice. Among other topics, Koumjian discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different tribunal types, obstacles and opportunities of pursuing national justice for international crimes, as well as the linkages between international and transnational organised crimes.
Koumjian spoke to the Deputy Director of the Wayamo Foundation, Dr Mark Kersten, prior to the Joan Kagezi Memorial Lecture, which was held in Kampala, Uganda, on 13 April 2018, and organized jointly by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions of Uganda and the Wayamo Foundation. The Lecture is an annual tribute to the memory of Joan Kagezi, former Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions and Head of the International Crimes Division in Uganda’s Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, who was shot and killed on 30th March 2015.
Justice Talks are a series of interviews about justice and accountability in Africa and beyond. They feature experts and leaders from the fields of human rights, international criminal law, politics and civil society.
For more on the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability and Wayamo Foundation, see: and