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International Justice Day 2023: What role can open source investigators play in justice and accountability efforts in Sudan?


To honour International Justice Day 2023, the Wayamo Foundation held a Symposium that focused on the documentation of international crimes and human rights violations in Sudan. The conference brought together international and Kenyan experts as well as members of the Sudanese diaspora in Nairobi, lawyers, media houses and civil society. Panel 4: The promise of open source investigations: What role …

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International Justice Day 2023: How to respond to serious human rights violations in Sudan?


To honour International Justice Day 2023, the Wayamo Foundation held a Symposium that focused on the documentation of international crimes and human rights violations in Sudan. The conference brought together international and Kenyan experts as well as members of the Sudanese diaspora in Nairobi, lawyers, media houses and civil society. Introduction and Panel 1 Justice and accountability: How to respond …

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International Justice Day 2023: Overview on the current armed conflict in Sudan


To honour International Justice Day 2023, the Wayamo Foundation held a Symposium that focused on the documentation of international crimes and human rights violations in Sudan. The conference brought together international and Kenyan experts as well as members of the Sudanese diaspora in Nairobi, lawyers, media houses and civil society. Panel 2: Brief overview on the current armed conflict in …

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The continuing importance of accountability in Sudan

Andras Toth

Moneim Adam, Access to Justice Programme Director, Gisa INC, spoke at the international justice symposium “Transition from where? Transition to what? Exploring transitional justice efforts in an ever-changing world” hosted by the Wayamo Foundation, the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) and the Aga Khan University Graduate School of Media and Communication on 19 May 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya. …

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Darfuri human rights defender Gouja Ahmed on the continuing importance of accountability in Sudan


Gouja Ahmed, Sudan Communications and Logistics Officer, Wayamo Foundation speaking on 12 May 2023. The video was prepared for the International justice symposium “Transition from where? Transition to what? Exploring transitional justice efforts in an ever-changing world” held on 19 May 2023, at the Aga Khan University Graduate School of Media and Communication in Nairobi, Kenya. Human rights violations are …

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PANEL V: Victims and reparations

22-24 March 2016 What do victims of international crimes want? What is the responsibility of states to victims? How can reparations be provided to victims and survivors of international crimes? Moderator • Kelly-Jo Bluen Project Leader for International Justice, Institute for Justice and Reconciliation, Johannesburg Panellists • Stephen Lamony Head of Advocacy and Policy on UN, AU and Africa Situations, …

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Panel I — Africa and the ICC: Misperceptions and realities

22-24 March 2016 The ICC-Africa relationship is often regarded with mixed, if not opposing, views. Against this background, what factors, both historical and political, as well as contemporary issues must be considered when assessing the ICC-Africa relationship? This discussion will address the often heard accusations that the ICC is a neo-colonial, anti-African institution and the argument that the AU is …

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PANEL IV: Transnational Criminal Law in Africa

Andras Toth

22-24 March 2016 Is Transnational Organised Crime becoming part of the remit of International Crime Units across Africa? This panel addressed the challenges in the collection, sharing and use of evidence in the prosecution of international and transnational crimes, the evolving nature of organised crime in Africa and its policy responses, and the difference between transnational crimes and core international …

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PANEL II: African courts and international crime divisions

22-24 March 2016 What do such trials imply for the victims of injustice and the African public? Are these „African (judicial) solutions to African (impunity) problems”? Moderator Patryk I. Labuda Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Introductory remarks • Abdul Tejan-Cole Executive Director of the Open Society Initiative for West Africa, Dakar Panellists • Netsanet Belay Africa Director, …

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June 2017: Coverage of capacity-building workshop by Lagos Television

Lagos Television: From 28-30 June, Wayamo organised a capacity-building workshop for military investigators and prosecutors on ‘STRENGTHENING JUSTICE AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN NIGERIA’ at the Southern Sun Hotel Ikoyi in Lagos. The three-day workshop was organised by the Wayamo Foundation, the International Nuremberg Principles Academy and the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability and was opened by General Yusuf Shalangwa, …