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Justice Talks: Justice Isaac Lenaola

Isaac Lenaola Justice of the Supreme Court of Kenya, and Principal Judge of the East African Court of Justice, discusses domestic challenges to the judiciary in the East African region, citing attacks on judicial independence and corruption as key factors and stressing the need for; integrity, adherence to codes of conduct, and for governing institutions to take their responsibility seriously. …

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Justice Talks: Gerard Niyungeko

Gerard Niyungeko, a judge and a former President of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, speaks to Wayamo Foundation’s Judie Kaberia about how the immunity issue may hamper African Court on Human and People’s Rights.

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International Justice in Motion – Perspectives from South Africa and Beyond

Richard J. Goldstone, Former Justice at South Africa’s Constitutional Court and founding Chief Prosecutor of the ICTR and ICTY, shares his thoughts on the role of the judiciary in defending human rights and the rule of law during apartheid in South Africa. Judge Goldstone also discusses the relationship between the ICC and African states, as well as the future of …

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International Justice in Motion – Perspectives from Nigeria and Beyond

Nigerian Federal High Court Judge Binta Nyako talks about justice and accountability for crimes committed by Boko Haram in Nigeria. She discusses the challenges and difficulties faced when adjudicating these terrorism cases and the lessons learnt for future trials. Justice Nyako also talks about the adjudication of sexual violence crimes allegedly committed by Boko Haram members. The Wayamo Foundation and …

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International Justice in Motion – Perspectives from Ghana and Beyond

Akua Kuenyehia, former First Vice-President and Judge of the ICC, discusses the importance of judicial independence and the rule of law when adjudicating international crime cases. She talks about the future of the ICC-Africa relationship and what needs to be done to see judicial systems across Africa adjudicating international crimes domestically. The Wayamo Foundation and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s Rule …

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CLOSING REMARKS: Africa Group for Justice and Accountability on conclusions and lessons learnt

22-24 March 2016 Moderator • Bettina Ambach Director, Wayamo Foundation, Berlin Panellists • Dapo Akande Professor of Public International Law, University of Oxford • Femi Falana Human rights activist and lawyer, Lagos • Richard Goldstone Former Chief Prosecutor of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia • Tiyanjana Maluwa H. Laddie Montague Chair in Law, …

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AGJA’s Navi Pillay: Africa should remain engaged with the ICC

22-24 March 2016 Africa Group for Justice and Accountability urges Africa to remain engaged with the International Criminal Court. The Africa Group for Justice and Accountability, an independent group of senior African experts on international criminal law and human rights, which was established in November 2015, has urged the African Union to remain engaged with the ICC. A member of …

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AGJA Symposium: Terrorism, transnational crimes, the ICC and the role of states

22-24 March 2016 The Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) held the first of its bi-annual symposia events at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, from 22-24 March 2016. The event brought together experts on international criminal justice, human rights activists, academics and practitioners from the field of international law to discuss a range of issues around …