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The future of international criminal justice in Africa

Andras Toth

Fatou Bensouda, former Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, discusses the impact of the ICC’s jurisprudence on international criminal justice in Africa.

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Africa Group for Justice and Accountability: How we work

Andras Toth

Africa Group for Justice and Accountability member and The Gambia’s Chief Justice Hassan Jallow takes us behind the scenes of the group’s strategic meeting in Arusha, Tanzania, explaining how the Africa Group works for justice in Africa.

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Get to know the Wayamo Foundation


Wayamo strengthens the capacity of investigators, prosecutors and judges around the world, equipping them with the tools to investigate and prosecute international crimes in their domestic systems, advocating transparency and accountability, training journalists to report accurately and responsibly on justice issues, and finally breathing life into the principle of complementarity, ensuring that justice for international crimes is delivered nationally, closer …

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Fair trial standards in terrorism and international crime trials

Elise Carreau

Drawing on her own experiences, Kate Gibson, a lawyer specialising in International Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law who has practiced as defence counsel at numerous international courts, discusses the importance of upholding the right to defendants and fair trial standards in terrorism and international crime cases.