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Justice Talks: Stella Ndirangu

Stella Ndirangu, Programme Manager at the Kenyan section of the International Commission of Jurists, speaks to Wayamo Foundation’s Judie Kaberia about domestic investigations and prosecution of International crimes in East Africa. Ndirangu discusses the importance of political will to the success of Rwanda’s efforts to prosecute international crimes, and the contrasting situation in Uganda’s International Crimes Division. She also discusses …

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Justice Talks: Sarah Kihika Kasande

Sarah Kihika Kasande, Head of Office in Uganda for the International Center for Transitional Justice, speaks to Wayamo Foundation’s Judie Kaberia about the challenges facing African states when investigating and prosecuting international crimes locally. Kihika Kasande discusses witness protection, understaffing and the lack of political will to provide adequate resources. She says that it is “not enough to say victims …

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International Criminal Justice Beyond the ICC: the Extraordinary African Chambers

11 July 2017 Interview with Mbacké Fall, Former Prosecutor of the Extraordinary African Chambers in Senegal, by Angela Mudukuti, International Criminal Justice Lawyer, Wayamo Foundation. ENGLISH TRANSLATION BELOW. What were the lessons learnt from the Extraordinary African Chambers, and what where the successes? We have had positive results. The African Chambers had a mandate to try those most responsible for …

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Filling the Gaps — International Criminal Justice Beyond the ICC

11 July 2017 Dakar, Senegal, 11 July 2017: Bettina Ambach (Director, Wayamo Foundation) talks to Toussaint Muntazini and Jacob Damili Sanny (Special Prosecutor and Indictment Chamber Judge respectively of the Special Criminal Court in Bangui, Central African Republic). ENGLISH BELOW. *** -Toussaint Muntazini- The Special Criminal Court (SCC) is the youngest court on the international criminal justice scene. It is …

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Engaging Constructively with the ICC

6-11 July 2017 Professor of Law, Tiyanjana Maluwa, discusses the importance of strengthening national justice mechanisms in Africa, the ICC’s purported ‘African bias’ and role that global leaders ought to be taking in the system of international justice.