Workshop for Nigerian prosecutors and investigators to enhance interagency collaboration to bring the electronic case-file database to fruition

Abuja , Nigeria

The workshop brought together prosecutors from the Complex Casework Group (CCG) and investigators from the Joint Investigation Centre and 7 Military Investigations Bureau, as a practical step aimed at “enhancing interagency collaboration to bring the electronic case-file database for terrorism files to fruition”. In order for this newly created database and its case- and evidence-management software to attain their combined potential, investigators and prosecutors need to collaborate from the earliest stages of an investigation. This database will also serve to build more complex cases which may address international crimes that fall under the jurisdiction of the ICC.

Third workshop for the Serious Crimes Response Team

Abuja , Nigeria

The workshop was centred on the ongoing project of creating a Serious Crimes Response Team (SCRT), a highly specialised unit of military investigators and prosecutors drawn from all three services, who will be specifically trained to investigate and prosecute serious crimes that have allegedly been committed by the Armed Forces and potentially fall under the jurisdiction of the ICC.

Expert workshop: countering terrorism and international crimes

Pretoria Pretoria, South Africa

Wayamo Foundation and KAS Rule of Law Program for Anglophone Sub-Saharan Africa take pride in announcing that they will be holding a two-day expert workshop in Pretoria on the nexus and linkages between terrorism, human rights, and international crimes. This workshop will bring together counter-terrorism and international criminal justice experts, human rights advocates, academics and practitioners from Europe and selected countries from Eastern, Southern and West Africa. 

wayamo foundation


Wayamo is an independent, non-profit organisation established to strengthen the rule of law, promote justice for international and transnational crimes and foster transparency through judicial capacity building, mediation and informed journalism. Read more

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