Wayamo hosts ICC ASP side event “Disrupting international crimes in Sudan: Views from the front lines”
Wayamo event on whether international criminal law be used to disrupt international criminal activity in Sudan.
Trauma-informed interviewing and ICC spokesperson at workshop for Sudanese journalists
The Wayamo Foundation held a three-day workshop in Nairobi between 25-27 November 2024 on responsible media reporting of justice and accountability processes in and for Sudan.
Equipping for Justice: Kampala workshop on tools for effective documentation and case building
From 18-21 November 2024, the Wayamo Foundation held a four-day workshop for Sudanese civil society actors and lawyers in Kampala, Uganda
Nairobi mentoring sessions for Sudanese civil society actors and lawyers
From 10-12 September 2024, the Wayamo Foundation hosted mentoring sessions for Sudanese civil society actors and lawyers in Nairobi, Kenya
Wayamo and Kenya’s PTI host international criminal justice symposium
On 9 September 2024 in Nairobi, the Wayamo Foundation and Kenya’s Prosecution Training Institute (PTI) co-host international criminal justice symposium.
International Criminal Justice Symposium in Port Louis, Mauritius
The Wayamo Foundation and the Mauritian Directorate of Public Prosecutions held a symposium on “Domestic and international accountability mechanisms for international crimes: new developments and opportunities.”