Capacity Building Workshops For The Members Of The Special Criminal Court In The Central African Republic

Elise Carreau

Capacity Building Workshops For The Members Of The Special Criminal Court In The Central African Republic The Special Criminal Court (SCC) of the Central African Republic was created on 3 June 2015 by Organic Law No. 15.003. Pursuant to Article 3, the SCC has jurisdiction to โ€œtry serious violations of human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law …

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Panel I โ€” Africa and the ICC: Misperceptions and realities

22-24 March 2016 The ICC-Africa relationship is often regarded with mixed, if not opposing, views. Against this background, what factors, both historical and political, as well as contemporary issues must be considered when assessing the ICC-Africa relationship? This discussion will address the often heard accusations that the ICC is a neo-colonial, anti-African institution and the argument that the AU is …

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Juridictions internationales, hybrides et internationalisรฉes – enjeux et dรฉfis

11 July 2017 Interview with Serge Brammertz, Prosecutor, United Nations Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals, by Wayamo Foundation Director, Bettina Ambach – Dakar, Senegal, 11 July 2017. ENGLISH TRANSLATION BELOW. Question 1: We are here in Dakar for the exchange/sharing of experiences between the members of the Special Criminal Court of the Central African Republic, the Extraordinary African Chambers in …