Two court disputes test SA’s commitment to rule of law

Elise Carreau In the Press, News and Events, News and Events AGJA

Strong views were expressed at a seminar on South Africa and the ICC in Cape Town last week that South Africa should remain in the court. This is to both bolster international justice when it is under threat and to prove to the world – after the Zuma era – that South Africa remains committed to the rule of law. The seminar was organised by the Wayamo Foundation and the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability.

Capacity Building for the Establishment of the International and Organised Crimes Division of the Kenyan High Court

Elise Carreau

Capacity Building for the Establishment of the International and Organised Crimes Division (IOCD) of the Kenyan High Court In May 2012, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) of the Kenyan Judiciary began to deliberate on the possibility of operationalising the 2008 International Crimes Act. As a consequence, a committee was set up to look into modalities of establishing an international crimes …

African Justice mechanisms and their interplay with the International Criminal Court

kotarski agja video, International Conferences, News and Events

The Symposium in Cape Town was attended by over one 150 experts on international criminal justice, human rights activists, academics and practitioners in the field of international law.