Abeokuta: International criminal law course & training-of-trainers

Elise Carreau News and Events, News and Events AGJA

26-29 November 2019, Abeokuta, Nigeria Click here for all pictures.  To supplement and sustain their ongoing capacity-building efforts in Nigeria, the Wayamo Foundation and the International Nuremberg Principles Academy held the first of two international criminal law courses with a training-of-trainers (ToT) component. The objective of the ToT programme is to support and further equip selected institutions with the necessary skills …

25-26 Octobre: Conférence internationale de Dakar

Elise Carreau International Conferences, News and Events, Public Debates and Town Hall Meetings

La Fondation Wayamo et le Programme pour la promotion de l’État de Droit en Afrique subsaharienne de la Fondation Konrad Adenauer ont organisé une conférence internationale intitulée : « Justice pour les crimes internationaux : enjeux et stratégies en Afrique de l’Ouest et ailleurs » le 25 et 26 octobre 2021 à Dakar.

The creation of an electronic case-file database and the usage of digital evidence in international criminal investigations

kotarski Judicial Capacity Building, News and Events

On 17 May 2021, the Wayamo Foundation held a workshop on the creation of an electronic case-file database and the usage of digital evidence in international criminal investigations within the Complex Casework Group (CCG), a specialised unit coming under the Directorate of Public Prosecutions.

Training session for Nigeria’s Serious Crimes Response Team

kotarski Judicial Capacity Building, News and Events

On 25 May 2021 the Wayamo Foundation hosted a one day training workshop for Nigeria’s Serious Crimes Response Team, a highly specialised unit of military investigators and prosecutors, who would be specifically trained to investigate and prosecute alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity, both of which potentially fall under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Kampala legal and media workshops for Sudanese lawyers and journalists

Elise Carreau Journalism Training, Judicial Capacity Building, News and Events AGJA

As part of our two-year “Capacity building for civil society and the justice sector in Sudan” project, the Wayamo Foundation has just completed two workshops and a strategic dialogue in Kampala, Uganda for Sudanese lawyers, civil society actors and journalists on the concepts of transitional justice and accountability for international crimes and how to apply these within the framework of the transitional justice process in Sudan.