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PANEL V: Victims and reparations

22-24 March 2016 What do victims of international crimes want? What is the responsibility of states to victims? How can reparations be provided to victims and survivors of international crimes? Moderator • Kelly-Jo Bluen Project Leader for International Justice, Institute for Justice and Reconciliation, Johannesburg Panellists • Stephen Lamony Head of Advocacy and Policy on UN, AU and Africa Situations, …

Nairobi Symposium on Ending Impunity Together

kotarski International Conferences, Kenya’s International and Organised Crimes Division

On 28-29 April 2015, the Wayamo Foundation and Riara University hosted a two-day symposium featuring Kenyan and international prosecutors, war crimes and crimes against humanity investigators, judges, legal experts, and representatives of civil society. See the SYMPOSIUM PROGRAMME. Kenya’s Chief Justice & President of the Supreme Court Dr. Willy Mutunga provided the keynote speech. Also appearing Ambassador of the Federal …

International and Organised Crimes Division (IOCD) of the Kenyan High Court

Support for the International and Organised Crimes Division (IOCD) of the Kenyan High Court Between 2013–2015 the Wayamo Foundation provided specialised training and capacity building in investigating and prosecuting international crimes as defined by the Rome Statute and the Kenyan International Crimes Act (for example, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide), and transnational crimes, such as organised crime, piracy, …

Online lessons from our “Justice for Child Soldiers” workshop for Nigerian prosecutors

kotarski News and Events

Since the earliest days of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Wayamo Foundation has sought to re-imagine its work in promoting justice and accountability

A Message from the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability on Racial Justice

kotarski Africa Group Statements, News and Events, News and Events AGJA

Africa Group for Justice and Accountability Statement on Ruling regarding South Africa’s Withdrawal from the International Criminal Court.